Bug Bounty

To ensure the security and stability of Doracle, we establish a Bug Bounty program to encourage security researchers and ethical hackers to discover and report vulnerabilities and security issues in the Doracle system.

The Bug Bounty program will cover security vulnerabilities in the Doracle system and its related components. This includes but is not limited to smart contract vulnerabilities, network attacks, data source contamination, data tampering, and other related issues. Different reward levels will be set based on the severity and impact of the discovered vulnerabilities. The higher the severity and impact, the higher the reward will be.

Security researchers and ethical hackers can submit vulnerability reports through designated channels. We will ensure the confidentiality of the reporter's identity and information and promptly handle the reports.

Once a vulnerability report is validated, rewards will be given in the form of DRC tokens from DAO Treasury. The number of tokens awarded will be assessed based on the severity and impact of the vulnerability.

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